Tag server

Photo Archive OS

Something I have been toying with for a while now is to concept of creating a ‘Photo Archive OS’, based on my Photo Archive script designed for use on web servers. The script already implemented is currently under review for… Continue Reading →

Setting up a Debian home web server (part 2)

Continuing from part 1 of this tutorial, part 2 will walk you through the following steps: Giving a user access to the ‘/var/www/’ directory. Set up an FTP server, allowing our user to manage their website via an FTP client… Continue Reading →

Setting up a Debian home web server (part 1)

Assuming you have read the previous article entitled ‘The pros and cons of running a home web server‘, this article forms the next section of the tutorial, taking the Debian route. What is Debian: Debian is one of the oldest… Continue Reading →

The pros and cons of running a home web server

This article will consist of a number of posts linked together to form a guide to home web servers. This section forms the beginning of the guide which will outline the pros and cons of running your own web server… Continue Reading →

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